
Traditional manufacturing is being transformed by increasing stakeholder clamour to improve its environmental impact. Across chemicals, packaging, aerospace and technology hardware, organisations must confront operational issues regarding emissions, air quality, energy and water management as well as hazardous waste disposal, in order to mitigate costs and risks.


The chemicals manufacturing industry faces sustainability-related challenges, including hazardous waste management, water scarcity, energy-intensive processes and regulatory compliance. Opportunities lie in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing materials efficiency and developing safer products, which can mitigate business uncertainty, reduce costs and improve competitive positioning and brand value.


The packaging manufacturing industry provides critical production inputs to many sectors, including food and health. The industry faces significant sustainability-related risks including hazardous waste generation, water usage, greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption. Opportunities include waste reduction, water efficiency, sustainable sourcing and eco-friendly product design, which can help enhance brand value and market access.

Technology hardware & equipment

The technology hardware and equipment industry must adapt to issues of water scarcity affecting semiconductor production, data security risks and environmental impacts from hazardous materials. Opportunities consist in enhancing energy efficiency, reducing water use and ensuring robust data protection, driving innovation and regulatory compliance.